
Tips and tricks to maximun productivity

You want something, i can tell. How bad do you want it? Are you doing what you need to do to get what you want? Be honest with yourself. If the answer is no then, what do you think you need to do but you're not doing it? Take a moment to answer that.

Done answering? Good. Now do it like right now. Stop reading this and just go do it. All you have to do is start and be consistent afterwards.

Sorry to disappoint you if you were expecting some fancy gibberish from us. Everything you just read is exactly the way to go. If you're still reading this then you clearly didn't listen to what we said in the previous paragraph. You're still here because you want us to say more. You want those tips and tricks we promised you. Truth is everything you've just read is the actual tip and trick but we'll break it down for you if that's what you're looking for.

#1. Focus on the most important tasks first

Create a list of things that no matter what, you need to finish by the end of the day.

#2. Break tasks into smaller pieces

Why do you procrastinate? There are a variety of reasons that people procrastinate, but one of the most important is that the tasks on their to-do list just seem too daunting.

How do you fix this? You can start by breaking large to-dos into smaller to-dos. Set small goals for each task.

#3. Learn from successes as well as mistakes

Don't let the bad days slow you down. Don't let the good days slow you down either. Learn from both the good and bad days and strive to improve from them.

#4. Take breaks

I know seeing this will make some of you happy. Please try not to misinterpret. Taking breaks and just being lazy are two very different things. That being said, let's go on.

Nobody, not even highly productive people, can focus for eight hours straight. It simply isn’t possible. No matter how many efficient habits you build, you can’t maintain distraction-free focus for that long.

That’s why taking breaks is so important (and research shows it makes people more productive). Even breaks that are just a few minutes long can help you recharge and come up with new ideas.

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